Can’t Find the Decision Maker? An Org Chart can Help

As a salesperson, there are not many situations more frustrating than the inability to pinpoint the decision maker. You know you have a product or service the company can use. You know you have what it takes to close a deal, or at the very least strike up a good conversation. However, you continue to lag behind because you don’t know who to speak with.

If you find yourself in this position, you have a few options:

  • Move on to other targets for the meantime.
  • Continue to call (or email) the company, hoping to eventually get passed through to the right person.
  • Use an org chart to sift through the “clutter” and find the person you need to speak with.

Of these options, which one suits you best? Well, if you want to make a sale, the third choice is the one that deserves your full and undivided attention.

Why You Need to Find the Decision Maker

If you can’t find the decision maker, the reality of the situation is that you will have an almost impossible time closing a deal. After all, this is the person who has to sign off on the sale. Unless you speak with him or her, your chance of success is much smaller.

Note: while not always the case, you may be able to make a sale through somebody who reports directly to the decision maker.

Here are three reasons why you should do your best to touch base with the decision maker as early in the sales cycle as possible:

  1. Save Time

From sales professionals to social media services, everybody in the business world is well aware of the saying, “time is money.”

Every minute you spend chasing a bad lead, every minute you spend on the phone with the wrong person, you are costing yourself, as well as your company, time. Subsequently, this costs you money as well.

Imagine this: every time you pick up the phone to make a sales call the person on the other end is the decision maker. This ensures that every word you speak has a direct impact on whether or not you eventually close the deal. There are no concerns of wasting your time speaking with a person who can’t “pull the trigger.”

Also, consider this: when you cut back on the amount of time you spend with the wrong person, you have more time in your day to contact decision makers.

  1. Improve your Chance of Making a Sale

As a salesperson, regardless of what you are selling, the only thing that matters is closing the deal. It doesn’t matter how you do it. It doesn’t matter how long it takes (most of the time). What matters is that you land a new client when everything is said and done.

Let’s compare the sales process with and without the use of an org chart.

If you don’t have access to an org chart, the sales process will likely entail:

  • Contact the “closest” person you can find to the decision maker.
  • Explain who you are, what you offer, and why you need to speak with the person in charge.
  • Cross your fingers in hopes that you are passed through to the person you need to speak with.

Now, here is what you can do with an org chart:

  • Identify the decision maker by reviewing the chart.
  • Contact the person in charge and begin the sales cycle.

As you can see, an org chart eliminates the need to speak with others. This allows you to save time, while improving the chance of speaking directly with the person who can say “yes.”

  1. Puts you in Position to Use your Sales Skills

Easy sales are fun. This typically happens when you contact the right person at the right time. Some even call it luck.

As fun as these sales may be, there is nothing quite like chasing after a big fish, day in and day out, just to eventually close a deal you have been dreaming of.

With an org chart, it won’t be long before you are putting your sales skills to good use. Better yet, you don’t have to waste time, energy, and effort on conversations that lack the ability to yield results.

Let an org chart guide you toward your target. From there, your sales skills will make or break the deal. In other words, an org chart gives you the chance to make a sale. Your skills, your approach, and your offering will determine if you close the deal.

The Decision Maker is the End All

Every company, regardless of size and industry, has at least one person who can make a final decision on whether or not to do business with you.

It is imperative to get in touch with this person as soon as possible. An org chart will be your guide. You can use this to target the right person at the right time.

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